Nansen Risk assessment
Letter to Parents - 26th February
Latest news
From Wednesday 3rd June, Nansen Primary is open to children of key workers and vulnerable children. We will be risk assessing when it is safe to open to the school to more children.
If parents feel their child should have a place, please call on 0121 389 3787 between 9am-3pm on weekdays or email
What To Expect At Nansen Primary School In June - 15/06/2020
COVID-19 Letters From Week Beginning 08/06/2020
COVID-19 Letters From Week Beginning 01/06/2020
COVID-19 Letters From Week Beginning 18/05/2020
COVID-19 Letters From Week Beginning 06/04/2020
COVID-19 Letters From Week Beginning 30/03/2020
COVID-19 Letters From Week Beginning 23/03/2020
Bereavement Support
Sadly, many of our families will have been affected by bereavement recently. The City Council's Psychology Team have created this document for parents and carers that we hope you may find useful.
Support For Families
- Emergency response hub for vulnerable citizens provided by Birmingham City Council on 0121 303 1116 or
- Parent Link Contact Line for advice and guidance on 0121 303 8461, support for carers on 0333 006 9711, and the Covid-19 Council helpline 0121 303 1116 for other support such as food supplies, essentials, medication and social contact.
- for mental health support for young people aged 11 to 25. The Pause service for young people’s emotional wellbeing is now accessed by telephone on 0207 841 4470. Mental health support for adults is through 0121 262 3555.
- Birmingham and Solihull Women’s Aid for domestic abuse, telephone 0808 800 0028.
- Local advice and guidance on Coronavirus is available from
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Coronavirus – Advice
Latest information and advice can also be found at: