Fundamental British Values & SMSC
Fundamental British Values & SMSC
British Values Statement
The DfE has reinforced their guidance given to schools to actively promote the fundamental British Values of Democracy: The Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs, through their provision of the SMSC curriculum.
At Nansen Primary School, we take our responsibility to prepare children for life in modern Britain very seriously. We ensure that our Values Education - including the fundamental British Values - are introduced, discussed and lived out through the ethos and day-to-day work of the school. Our Values Education - including British Values - are threaded through the whole curriculum and every opportunity is taken to reinforce and embed them.
It is especially through our R.E, collective worship, SMSC and PSHE curriculum that provides excellent opportunities to elaborate and develop the children’s’ understanding. We ensure the children know the following British values:
Mutual respect and tolerance of all people
Individual liberty
The rule of law
Fundamental British Values
| Statement
| Evidence | Impact |
| Democracy is an integral part of school life. Pupils are given many opportunities to have their voice heard.
Children are encouraged to know that their views count and are valued.
| New school councillors are elected each year and in each class. Children in every class can stand for election and experience taking part in a secret ballot. The two children with the most votes represent their class at school and in school council meetings.
Pupil voice - children have their ideas and thoughts heard, children are listened to by staff, child are also encouraged to make suggestions and put them in the suggestion box.
The P.S.H.E curriculum allows children to voice their thoughts and opinions via the school’s suggestion box and school council discussions.
| Children have their voice heard and a chance to make their own decisions based on their own and the class’s beliefs/decisions. E.g. playground changes are school council led.
Children are able to work cooperatively in pairs and groups as well as a whole school group. The children have a growing understanding about respecting the views of others.
Children learn to listen to others and show respect that everyone is valued.
The Rule of Law | The importance of laws, whether classroom, school, or country rules are reinforced throughout our school. Pupils are taught the reasons why we need rules and that they protect and help us work together as a team. Children are also taught that there are responsibilities and consequences when rules are broken.
| School/class rules. Behaviour charts. School Values. Collective Worship. Values assemblies. School values/PSHE/lessons teach the value and reasons behind laws. On-line safety rules for at home and school. Rules in different parts of the playground. Community visitors; police, fire brigade, nurses.
| Children know the school/class rules. Children decide together what their class rules are, thus greater ownership. They have a developing understanding of right and wrong and an understanding of British laws. Children understand the need to follow these rules and that there are consequences if adhered /not adhered to.
Individual Liberty
| Pupils are actively encouraged to have the freedom to make choices. As a school we provide a safe and supportive environment for this to be achieved, whether it be through choice of activities, or participation in extra-curricular clubs.
| Many opportunities are provided to make choices and exercise their personal freedom.
On-line -safety lessons. Links are made in PSHE lessons and across the curriculum the teaching of equal opportunities for all regardless of individuals, faith, ethnicity or gender.
Variety of after school clubs are offered.
| Through our behaviour policy children know they have a choice and can choose the right or wrong behaviours. Children are taught there are consequences. Children have a sense of self- respect and self-worth. Children are confident and show independence of thought and action.
Children have grown in confidence and obtain strategies to solve problems at school and in the outside world.
Key information is shared with children and parents regularly through assemblies, newsletters and the website. |
Mutual Respect | ‘Respect’ is explicitly taught to the children through our 'CARES' assemblies and the PSHE curriculum. Children understand that respect is shown to everyone, whatever differences we may have. Children are kind, polite and respectful in how we behave towards others.
| Our CARES Values assemblies, collective worship, R.E and P.S.H.E curriculum.
Classroom and school rules. Staff role models.
| Children understand why ‘Respect’ is important and how to show it and behave with respect. Children’s’ behaviour demonstrates their excellent understanding of this value. Respect is referred to at all times, by all staff.
Tolerance of those with different Faiths
| Tolerance is explicitly taught to the children through assemblies and the PSHE curriculum. Tolerance of those of different faiths, ethnicity, gender or beliefs is achieved through helping the children to understand their own beliefs, ideas and opinions, then developing further by providing opportunities to learn about, appreciate and show respect of; other groups, the world and its people, and the environment.
| Community visitors to school in special faith assemblies. Special assemblies for Eid, Christmas, Diwali, Vaisakhi, Easter and Harvest. Our CARES values assemblies, collective worship and RE.
R.E. curriculum. Children make cards for all celebrations to send home for families to share in the celebrations. | Parents are invited to our weekly star of the week assemblies and class assemblies. Children respect others differences and faiths. They are able to talk about these faiths and how they are celebrated. Children learn about acceptance, tolerance and respect for others of different faiths, traditions and beliefs. We encourage families to show respect and tolerance for all faiths and their celebrations. |
The spiritual development of pupils is shown through…
The children’s approach to religious education throughout the school and their respect for people of all faiths and none.
The children’s educational visits to places of worship which include the main religions found in our country.
The children’s understanding that in our country there are people who believe in many different religions and the understanding of a person’s right to believe what they wish.