Special Educational Needs and Inclusion
Welcome to the Nansen Primary Schools information page for Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school. We are determined that every child has every possible opportunity to succeed. We ensure that children with SEN or disabilities are not treated less favourably than other pupils. An inclusion team strive to give the pupils as much support to ensure they can achieve. For different reasons some pupils need extra support to help them achieve their potential.
The admission arrangements for children with Special Educational Needs and disabilities.
The school admission policy is applied to all children with SEND and no child is refused admission on the grounds of SEN, disability or medical conditions. When children start at Nansen Primary School, an induction meeting is arranged where information about the child is shared. This meeting will involve parents/carers and any other professionals who are working with the child. This information will then be shared with school staff. This supports the school to make informed decisions about the nature of the provision required to meet the child’s needs. A phased or amended school day may be offered at the beginning of the induction process.
An accessible school curriculum.
The school curriculum is designed to be inclusive and personalised activities are designed to support the individual needs of children. In line with the SEN Code of Practice the class teacher leads on SEN for their teaching group and will take advice from the Inclusion Leader/SENCo for SEND and Inclusion and from other agencies. There may be some amendments to lesson planning which will consider the individual needs of the child. Support may be offered by the class teacher, by a teaching assistant or by a member of the Inclusion Team. Accessible resources that support individual needs are made available when needed.
For more information please see our Accessibility plan below.